
Пловдив обединява различните култури по време на Culture Bites & Vibes

Culture is the identity of a nation and the basic root of any community. Cultural values help develop a sense of belonging, and a feeling of unity in the minds of people. Sound pretty important, doesn’t it?

But in the Global World we live in today we often find ourselves asking the question – “Does culture even matter?” or even “Is cultural traditionalism dangerous?” Culture, more times than not, is what makes us different from each other. And people fear differences. No, let’s rephrase that. People fear what they do not know.

So, the only way to understand and accept a culture, different than yours is to experience it! Only then you can see that culture is not the thing that makes us different, it is what makes us unique and brings us together as humans.

Diversity Unites Us

And this is where Culture Bites and Vibes comes in! Plovdiv is becoming a vibrant multicultural city with all sorts of languages buzzing on the streets and people from all around the world, who have chosen Plovdiv as their home during their studies, for work or just for a visit.
And now there is an opportunity for you to meet them! Any different culture is an untapped resource, a different way to see the world. Meeting people from different countries, knowing their story, experiencing their culture enriches you in more ways you can imagine. It teaches you the importance of tolerance and the value behind the words: diversity unites us.

This is the opportunity we provide during the event Culture Bites and Vibes, which is organized twice a year by JCI Plovdiv. Do not miss the next edition on 4th of November from 1:00 PM in Limacon Event Center.

What To Expect

10 different countries are invited to represent their cultures by the means of traditional clothes, local food, and drinks, or typical dance and music. You will have the opportunity to visit all countries at their stands, where you can not only have something exotic to eat, but also talk to the people behind the stand and be proactive about learning about their culture.

It is a colorful parade where it is not uncommon to see a Japanese geisha dancing Bollywood with a Mexican mariachi. What can be better than that?

Apart from the 10 different stand, all visitors can participate in our special workshops, which take place throughout the event and include salsa and Indian dances and Bulgarian bread making. Also, do not forget to stay for our International Karaoke, which promises to be the most fun you have had in months. And in order to gather some courage, before getting on stage, pass by our International Bar with cocktails from all around the world!
If you do not know it yet, then let us tell you - Culture Bites and Vibes is an event you cannot miss! Come to the place where cultures meet.


Успяхме ли да те вдъхновим?
Подкрепи позитивната журналистика в България…

Ние сме млад екип от момичета и момчета, гладни за обективност в медиите. Работим здраво, за да ви върнем вярата и да ви покажем, че добрите примери са навсякъде около нас. Противопоставяме се на стила и работата на традиционните медии, за да ви покажем положителната страна на монетата.

Обръщаме се към вас с апел за дарение в подкрепа на журналистиката, която правим. Всички постъпления се инвестират в развитието сайта. С тях ние увеличаваме обема и качеството на позитивните новини от България.

Защото сме тук заради нашето общо бъдеще и вярваме, че то ще е добро!

Препоръчани статии

Ивелина Червенакова

Родена съм в града под тепетата. Интересите ми са свързани с Комуникации, Дигитален маркетинг и всичко, с което мога да допринеса стойност към обществото. Вдъхновявам се от емоцииите, които носи живеенето. Пиша, защото наистина искам да кажа нещо, което си струва да бъде казано.

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